Handling data gaps

Handling data gaps


For reservoirs

In case of faulty sensor data submit no value instead of a faulty value. If you have missing sensor data submit no data for that specific timestamp.

For turbines or gates

HYDROGRID API does not allow missing (or null) data in a telemetry frame. Only the endmarker (last timestamp) is allow to be provided without a value. If you have the case that there are outages in your telemetry collection from gates or turbine, we gladly assist you how to programmatically solve that.

Short-Term Communication Faults and Data Outages (< 48h)

HYDROGRID Insight automatically handles data gaps in the submitted time series up to 48h. The handling of the data gaps is explained in the following figure.

Example: A missing turbine reading at 3pm

Situation: Missing value between two submitted time series


HYDROGRID Insight works with missing data for up to 24 hours. This may result in an imprecise inflow actuals calculation and prediction, because our system falls back to interpolation between missing values. Processed value (reservoir, turbine, gate) are shown in HYDROGRID Insight plant management dashboard, so gaps can also be detected visually.

Long-Term Communication Faults & Data Outages (> 48h)

In the event of a prolonged data outage (exceeding 48 hours), HYDROGRID will notify you about the outage and request that you re-send the missing data to ensure optimal optimization results.

  • If re-sending the missing data is not possible:
    HYDROGRID Insight will disregard the data gap and restart optimization once new actual data is submitted. The optimization will be based on actual data.

  • If re-sending the missing data is possible:
    HYDROGRID Insight will re-calculate optimization results for the period affected by the data outage. Once new actual data is submitted, optimization will restart, incorporating both historical and recent data to provide accurate hourly optimization results.